Our helpdesk is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are various methods of contacting us.
The quickest way is to phone us on any of our helpdesk numbers listed on our website. These can be found on our Contact page.
You can also send us a message @ WhatsApp +233 20 602 0073 or Call +2335999 77 994 Another way to contact our helpdesk is by clicking on the CHAT ONLINE link on our desktop website. This will open up a chat box. Then click on Start Chat to chat to one of our helpdesk operators.
In addition to this, you can always email us on [email protected]Click on the Register button and enter your name, mobile number and desired password. Log in using your mobile number and password/PIN. You are now a wsbetting.co.mw member!
How do I add funds to my account?
We currently have three methods for you to add funds to your account.
To read about these payment methods in more detail, go to the Deposit page.
In order to make a withdrawal, you must fill in the withdrawals form by clicking here (you must be logged in to your account).
Simply fill in the amount you wish to withdraw. Then select your payment method. For added security, you will be asked for your password.Your withdrawal request will be processed within minutes. Withdrawals are usually processed within 5 to 10 minutes.
You can withdraw the full balance in your account at any time providing you have bet the full amount of your previous deposits.
If you deposit 100 GHS, you must bet at least 100 GHS before withdrawing. If you try to withdraw before betting the amount you have deposited, your request will be rejected and the money will instead be returned to your WSBetting betting account to play before allowing a withdrawal.
The most common reason for withdrawals to be rejected is that the player failed to bet the money they deposited previously.
However, withdrawals may be rejected in other unusual situations such as due to a security issue to protect your money.
Contact the WSBetting team if your withdraw request was rejected after betting the full amount of previous deposits.The minimum payout on a bet is 1 GHS
What is the maximum payout on bet?
The maximum payout on a bet is 150,000 GHS. If your bet payout calculation exceeds the maximum amount, you will only be paid out 150,000 GHS.