AML Policy & KYC Policy
1. Our Responsibility Under The Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA)
WSBetting Ltd is fully aware of the procedures and policies required by the proceeds of Crime Act and have policies in place related to this Act.
The below key principles ensure our compliance with laws and regulations.
2. Internal Record Keeping
• Records on all customer transactions- regardless of their relation to payments or plays- will be kept for at least 6 years after the relationship with the transaction.
• Records on customer details, regardless of their value state or open/blocked status, will be kept for at least 6 years after the relationship with the customer was terminated.
• Records on money laundering investigations and suspicious activity reports will be kept for 6 years after the investigation is completed.
3. Prevention of Collusion and Data Protection Compliance
WSBetting Ltd’s terms and conditions makes it clear that cheating will not be tolerated and that customer accounts will be closed if cheating occurs.